The Seniors Section was formed in 1985 By Des Perrier and Bert Heminsley and is open to male members over the age of 55. The section now has over 120 members. COMPETITIONS ARE …
Junior Group Coaching Sept 2016
Junior Group Coaching starts again on the Sunday 25th September 2016. Sunday 25th September Sunday 9th October Sunday 23rd October Sunday 6th November Sunday 20th November If any one would like to …
Ladies Shilson Knockout – Winner 2016
The winner of the Ladies Shilson Bowl singles matchplay knockout for 2016 is Julie Hutton. Julie played Caryl Gould and Wendy Kingdon in the earlier rounds to meet Liz Murphy …
August 2016 Greens Report
We have had a long spell of hot dry weather which has meant we have been watering twice a night every day trying to keep the greens/ tees a healthy …
Job Opportunities At St Austell Golf Club
We are looking for additional Cooking and Bar staff at the Golf Club. Hours will be flexible but will include weekend work. Good rates of pay. Applications in writing to: St Austell …
Captain’s Evening Fri 5th August 2016
The next Captain’s evening will be held on Friday 5th August. As usual there will be a fun competition, cash prizes (maybe we should call them loose change rather than …
Cornwall Under 14’s v Dorset
Cornwall Under 14’s won there recent match away to Dorset, Captained by our own Ewan Warren. The Cornwall’s under 14 team were up against a Dorset team playing at the …
New Summer House / Starters Hut
You may have noticed that the old shed on the first tee has disappeared and a level base has been installed ready for a new building. A new Summer House should …
New Members Evening 10th August 2016
There will be an opportunity at 6.00 pm on Wednesday 10thAugust.for any new members who have recently joined the club to come along, have a drink and find out how …