The Ladies Annual Meeting took place today seeing Julie Hutton voted in as Ladies Captain with Margaret Hancock becoming Ladies Vice-Captain.
The new Ladies President elected to serve for 2 years is Shirley Best.
The position of County Delegate is filled by Jean-Anne Evers.
Sue Pascoe remains as Ladies Representative on the Management Committee.
Elected onto the Committee were Caryl Gould, Jackie Nile & Wendy Kingdon.
Trophies presented on the evening were as below:-
Best 4 EWGA Medals – Wendy Kingdon
St Austell Cup – Best 6 from 9 Medals – Wendy Kingdon
Dee’s Trophy for the most improved golfer went to Karen Trethewey
Terrier Trophy for least putts from 5 of 9 Medals – Brenda Marsh