Greenkeepers News Dec 2023

We are now coming into the Winter golf season and with that comes its challenges, the weather being the biggest factor of all. 2023 has proved to be one of the most difficult by far and continues to test us as a team, but I am confident that we are managing the course as well as we can under the current conditions.

Greens, Fairways & Collars

Confirmation from the met office that this has been the wettest year on record is the reason behind the numerous times we have had to use the temporary greens recently. Throughout the Winter we will continue regular verti-draining and in the new year, micro-coring will be carried out to help remove some thatch from the surfaces. Going forward this process will be continued throughout the year.

The rate of growth is slowing down so the weekly cutting will continue throughout the Winter when possible. At the moment I am very pleased with the the way the course is looking going into the Winter.

4th, 5th & 6th Temporary Greens

The temporary greens are thickening up slowly. We have applied some topdressing and are bringing the heights of them down gradually. This process cannot be rushed otherwise we will lose the playing surfaces.

15th Fairway & Mine Workings

Two areas of new subsidence in the middle of the 15th fairway were dug out and investigated. One of the hollows was the start of a collapsed mineshaft, the other was an area of loose soil that had sunk. Both the mineshaft and the other opening were filled with concrete to ensure no further subsidence. The areas were backfilled with the original soil and will be finished off with rootzone and re-turfed in the next two weeks or when the next window of weather allows. This area will be out of play well into the new year.

13th & 14th Greenside Banks

These will be landscaped away from the green to allow surface water to run freely away from the putting surfaces. In addition to that, drainage channels will be installed on the righthand side of the 13th green with a takeaway pipe. Both of these greens struggle in the Winter and this work was deemed necessary to help alleviate the amount of water that collects. These are due to commence in the next couple of weeks.

Winter Tees

These are now in play. Some are off mats and some will be brought forward in the tee box to allow the tees an off-season recovery period. Verti-draining will be carried out to relieve some compaction, help with surface drainage, improve root depth, and help with gaseous exchange.


Edging, weeding, and sand redistribution are continuing between the deluges of rain we have had. On some occasions, it has been deemed necessary to leave the bunkers unraked due to the continuous heavy rainfall! Looking ahead, we will be starting the necessary bunker renovations over the Winter continuing into the new year.

Tree Work

Throughout November and December, we are continuing to remove dead wood and low branches. This will improve tree health, and playability and make them visually more appealing.

Wild Flower Zones

Now that season’s flower beds have finished blooming they will be weeded between now and Christmas in preparation for next spring.

Final thought

Over the past few weeks, we have had several guests from other courses play at the club and it has been very pleasing to hear all the positive comments we have received about the course. It confirms everything we are doing is paying dividends, so we will continue to push forward to provide the best possible playing conditions weather dependent.

Happy golfing!

Matt Lock
Head Greenkeeper