Greens Report – September 2022

Our hollow coring was completed on schedule at the start of the month and we have seen some fantastic fresh growth coming through. The recovery has been good but a few of the greens have struggled in the now damp conditions which has brought about some disease. However, a light granular feed has been applied to help the plant recover quicker from any scarring.

Thank you for your patience whilst the works were taking place and during their recovery time.


Collars & Approaches
The collars and approaches have received some much-needed attention by targeting worn areas with hollow coring, dressing, and seeding.

The fairways have now come back to life with colour and growth following the recent rainfall. Due to the works on the 16th, the reshaping has been put back but we hope to start reshaping the 6th, 8th, 9th & 12th throughout October which should give a fairer result from a “well-aimed” drive!

Due to the current weather, the growth has bounced back meaning that a regular weekly mower is taking place across the course to keep it under control.

While growth is still occurring we will keep the main tees in play as much as possible and only bring in winter tee positions when required.

We have had another busy month with the bunkers, the sand has been replaced on holes 5,7 & 17, and the bunkers on the 8th and 14th will also be renewed.

Wildflower Areas

This will be left in colour until the remaining foliage has died away and then it will be cut back to ground level. The seeds dropped by this year’s crop will germinate next spring continuing the cycle of the beautiful display we had this year.


– 16th Green Redesign

This is now well underway, the bunker has been filled in and we have started grading the surround to create a soft run-off area. Turfing and drainage will be worked on in October and after completion, the area will be left to settle and will be reopened when this is playable again. Whilst this is happening, we will take advantage of having 10A and use this hole for the near future and will keep you all updated.


– 2nd Bunker Renovation

We have now reshaped this area to combine the back right and middle right bunker to try to make the hole less punishing from a slightly wayward tee shot as the bunker will catch more balls heading towards the hedge. The drains have been installed and the bunker will be back in play within the next couple of weeks, once the new sand has been introduced.


– 11th Fairway Bunker

The 11th fairway bunker has been filled in, and leveled and a final leveling and turfing will be undertaken alongside the completion of the 16th.


– Tree stumps

We have now had approximately 30 tree stumps either removed or ground down and the holes left by the grinding of the stumps will be filled and seeded.


– Tree work

Certain limbs on the 2nd, 10th, and 11th tees will be removed by the end of the year to open up the tee shot angle. This is currently causing uneven wear on these tees due to limited areas that we can place the tee markers

Yet another hardworking month from all of the team and its exciting to see all of these changes now taking shape.

Happy golfing ⛳⛳

Matt Lock
Senior Greenkeeper